Yoshitaka Matsukawa, Ph.D

Title : Associate Professor
Primary Affiliation : Faculty of Advanced Science & Technology (Engineering), Kumamoto University
Joint Affiliation : Center for International Education, Kumamoto University

E-mail : ym2 (at) msre.kumamoto-u.ac.jp
Tel : +81-96-342-3707
Address : Kurokami South Campus, C3 (Engineering Research Bldg. I), Rm. 1212
     Kurokami 2-39-1, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan

Researchgate : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yoshitaka-Matsukawa-2
Google Scholar : https://scholar.google.co.jp/citations?user=L2Mv3dkAAAAJ&hl=ja
Researchmap : https://researchmap.jp/yoshitaka_matsukawa

1994.3 Hokkaido University (Japan), B.S. (Metallurgical Engineering)
1996.3 Hokkaido University (Japan), M.S. (Materials Science)
1999.3 Hokkaido University (Japan), Ph.D (Materials Science)

Professional experience
1999.4 – 2000.3 Argonne National Laboratory (USA)
2000.4 – 2002.3 Hiroshima Institute of Technology (Japan), Research Center for Ultra-high-speed Plastic Deformation
2002.4 – 2005.3 Oak Ridge National Laboratory (USA)
2005.4 – 2007.9 University of Tennessee (USA)
2005.4 – 2005.5 Risø National Laboratory (Denmark), Visiting Scientist
2007.10 – 2009.7 University of Illinois (USA)
2009.8 – 2019.1 Tohoku University (Japan), Institute for Materials Research
2019.2 – present Kumamoto University (Japan)

Selected awards
1) Outstanding Reviewer, Materials Science & Engineering A, Elsevier, 2018.6.15.
2) Outstanding Reviewer, Materials Characterization, Elsevier, 2017.8.15.
3) Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Elsevier, 2016.10.15.
4) Outstanding Reviewer, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Elsevier, 2014.5.15.

Journal peer reviews
1) Nature Communications (9)
2) Acta Materialia (9)
3) Journal of Nuclear Materials (33)
4) Materials Science & Engineering A (24)
5) Materials Characterization (5)
6) Philosophical Magazine (7)
7) Journal of Nuclear Science & Technology (7)
8) Materials & Design (2)
9) Journal of Alloys and Compounds (4)
10) Philosophical Magazine Letters (1)
11) Applied Physics Letters (1)
12) Applied Surface Science (1)
13) Physics Letters A (1)
14) Journal of Materials Research (1)
15) Journal of Materials Science (1)
16) Materials Transactions (1)
17) Scripta Materialia (2)
18) Journal of Applied Crystallography (1)
19) Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan (1)
20) Fusion Engineering & Design (1)

Selected publications
1) Science 318 (2007) 959–962.
 One-dimensional fast migration of vacancy clusters in metals.
 Y. Matsukawa, S.J. Zinkle
2) Acta Materialia 127 (2017) 153–164.
 Reassessment of oxidation-induced amorphization and dissolution of Nb precipitates in Zr-Nb nuclear fuel cladding tubes.
 Y. Matsukawa, S. Kitayama, K. Murakami, Y. Shinohara, K. Yoshida, H. Maeno, H.L. Yang, T. Toyama, K. Yasuda, H. Watanabe, A. Kimura, H. Muta, S. Yamanaka, Y.F. Li, Y. Satoh, S. Kano, H. Abe
3) Acta Materialia 126 (2017) 86–101.
 Crystallographic analysis on atomic-plane parallelisms between bcc precipitates and hcp matrix in recrystallized Zr-2.5Nb alloys.
 Y. Matsukawa, I. Okuma, H. Muta, Y. Shinohara, R. Suzue, H.L. Yang, T. Maruyama, T. Toyama, J.J. Shen, Y.F. Li, Y. Satoh, S. Yamanaka, H. Abe
4) Acta Materialia 116 (2016) 104–113.
 The two-step nucleation of G-phase in ferrite.
 Y. Matsukawa, T. Takeuchi, Y. Kakubo, T. Suzudo, H. Watanabe, H. Abe, T. Toyama, Y. Nagai
5) Acta Materialia 102 (2016) 323–332.
 The effect of crystallographic mismatch on the obstacle strength of second phase precipitate particles in dispersion strengthening: bcc Nb particles and nanometric Nb clusters embedded in hcp Zr.
 Y. Matsukawa, H.L. Yang, K. Saito, Y. Murakami, T. Maruyama, T. Iwai, K. Murakami, Y. Shinohara, T. Kido, T. Toyama, Z. Zhao, Y.F. Li, S. Kano, Y. Satoh, Y. Nagai, H. Abe

Selected invited talks
1) 2023.7.2-7, Vienna (Austria) (Keynote presentation)
 Thermec-2023 (International Conference on PROCESSING & MANUFACTURING OF ADVANCED MATERIALS)
2) 2023.4.20-21, Paris (France)
 ICMRN-2023 (5th International Conference on Materials Research and Nanotechnology)
3) 2022.7.13, Online
 Summer Seminar 2022, Materials Science & Technology Division, AESJ
4) 2021.9.27-28, Online
 31st Forum of Lattice Defect, JPS
5) 2019.12.26, Hiroshima (Japan)
 69th Workshop on Microstructure Control, JIM & ISIJ
6) 2018.6.4-8, Perugia (Italy)
 CIMTEC 2018 – 14th International Ceramics Congress & 8th Forum on New Materials
7) 2017.10.22-26, Cancun (Mexico)
 SIPS2017 (Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition 2017)
8) 2017.2.26-3.2, San Diego (USA)
 TMS2017 (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 2017 Annual Meeting)
9) 2012.11.27-30, Sendai (Japan)
 SMS2012 (Summit of Materials Science 2012)
10) 2011.9.18-22, Mol (Belgium)
 PAMELA (Predictability of Long-term Ageing Mechanisms of Reactor Components Based on Modeling and Laboratory Experiments), PERFORM 60
11) 2011.2.27-3.3, San Diego (USA)
 TMS2011 (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society 2011 Annual Meeting)
12) 2010.9.5-9, Yokohama (Japan)
 ICAA12 (The 12th International Conference on Aluminum Alloys)

Committee Memberships
1) 2022.4 – 2024.3 Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Materials Science & Technology Division, Editorial Committee
2) 2021.10 – 2022.9 The Japan Physical Society, Division 10, Steering Committee
3) 2012.4 – 2014.3 Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Materials Science & Technology Division, Public Affairs Committee

Teaching experience
1) 2019 – present Nuclear Materials Science & Engineering, MC (Kumamoto University)
2) 2019 – present Engineering English I, BC2 (Kumamoto University)
3) 2019 – present Engineering English II, BC2 (Kumamoto University)
4) 2019 – present Practical English, DC (Kumamoto University)
5) 2019 – present Materials Engineering Experiments, BC3 (Kumamoto University)
6) 2021 – present Science and Engineering for Design and Manufacturing H, BC1 (Kumamoto University)
7) 2022 -     Exercises in Mathematics, BC1 (Kumamoto University)
8) 2019 – 2020 Fundamental Experiments in Engineering, BC1 (Kumamoto University)
9) 2020 – 2020 Non-ferrous Metallic Materials, BC3 (Kumamoto University)